Tuesday, January 28, 2014

We be partyin'

"Happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us, happy birthday to all of our family, happy birthday to all of us!" 

Literally, that is the theme for the past few months.  
This blog is going to be a combination of Justin's birthday, Brookelynn's birthday, Oma's birthday, Shelly's birthday, my mom's birthday, Opa's birthday, and Christmas. And...that's how crazy our Christmas's are around here. We just have too much fun partyin! 

We'll start with Christmas...

Brookey and Oma on Christmas Eve

Presents!! This was his first year to really get into Christmas. SO fun!

Opa and Brookey - buddies

They even watch t.v. the same way. Like father like son. ;)

Christmas was at our house this year. 


Oma shares her birthday with Jesus

Playing with her new dollhouse

Our new "toy" 

Fixing his. He loves to fix everything in sight. ;) 

Justin's aunt and uncle Rebecca and Mike and family came to visit us! 

His other Aunt Joan and Uncle Bill paid Oma and Opa a visit too, so we got to see them as well.

We also got to hang with Granny. (Her two sons, Jerry and Bill are here with her.)

And here we go with more parties...;)

Second birthday girl was my very own mommy. She is all I could have ever wanted in a mom - so thankful to have her as a best friend and role model.

 Mom, you are my bestie, the one I've looked up to and learned from all my life, and I will always look up to you. Cannot repay you for all you've done for me and helped me with, but I can be forever grateful! 

Third birthday girl was Aunt Shelly! 

My sweet, favorite sister ever on the face of the planet, of course! Love this girl to pieces. She is a beautiful mentor, friend and confidant. So blessed by you, Aunt Shelly!

Third birthday girl was our Brookelynn! We had the Bradberry's over, and Oma and Opa. Nana and Grandpa couldn't make it due to sickness. :( I'm tellin ya, that has kinda been a theme for the family this year. Next year will be better! 
We did, however, extend Miss B's birthday through two weekends, so she could get presents from Nana and Grandpa, too, so it was extra fun in that way!

And she got to  have her donuts for breakfast that morning. They bring out her personality. 

And now for Nana and Grandpa's presents!!

We got to see GG too!

And of course, Aunt Deb got to come hang out!!

Miss B, you are everything we always wished for, and more. Cannot believe you have been lighting up our lives with your sweet spirit for two years now!

A little throwback for our girl...

Love you to the moon and back, sweet pea!!

Next is the birthday boy. ;)

See any resemblance to our children? 

He is SO old this year, we had to light a cake on fire. ;) Love this man to pieces. Justin Lee, you are my world. Could not do it without you. And would not. Love you will all my heart! So glad to be sharing this life with you. 

 It took a lot to blow out, but thankfully, he had the OTHER birthday boy, Opa, to help next to him, with  his own pie and candles. (We eat a lot of cake and pie around here.) 

Happy birthday to Opa, too! Opa, you are all we could ask for in a grandpa, and we love you so very much. Thanks for always being so fun! 

I think that's it folks. There ya have it. A lot of partyin goin on. 

And, last but certainly not least, just a few of my favorite random photos from this month. Had to squeeze these in, ya know!

Opa's airplane!

She found  a new use for syrup. 

One day I will seriously miss these little handprints. 

"Look momma, I made a 'Q'!"  He has the right idea! :) 

In case you were concerned (oh, and I know you were;), we are still doing "school," but just a bit less scheduled these days. Yes, I knew this would happen. But...sometimes life gets in the way! 

 The way she sleeps...Sigh. One day I will miss this too. 

 Learning to play soccer. Thank you, Aunt Kelly and Uncle Craig for her ball she loves so much!

Well, that is finally all. Although it has been a fun month, I must say I'm happy it's over. Isn't it funny we get excited about the holidays, and then we are happy they are done and over with? At least, that's the way I feel! I'm partied out! 

God bless, and happy February ya'll! 

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