Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Balloons of joy

Holden's sixth month in glory...

I know some of those who read this blog already know about this, but I wanted to share with those who didn't.
I have a song on my site that probably doesn't make sense to some who hear it because it's about a baby who's passed away.
This is why - Kaleb's sweet cousin, Holden, went to be with Jesus in August. And it only makes sense to me to blog about him because he's near and dear to our hearts.

Monday was a special day for me and Kaleb.
We were able to help put together a surprise balloon celebration of glory for sweet Holden. Monday would have been his sixth month here on earth, but instead, he's spending it in heaven.
So Kara, one of Sarah's (Holden's mommie) good friends, decided out of the sweetness of her heart to get some of us girls together to write letters to him, and put them on balloons to send to him at his grave site. :)

These are pictures from that day.

It was a very touching experience. The number of letters and balloons sent was amazing to me. Sarah and Chet are so loved, because their love for the Lord shines through such a deep, emotional tragedy.

It continues to be a hard issue for me, because I feel so much pain for my sweet friend, because we were so close in our pregnancies.

So I write this because it is something I want to remember, always.

What a special day it was, for them, and for all of those involved. I won't forget it.

And I like to think that Holden won't, either. :)

Oh, the joy amidst heartache, I think, is one of the Lord's biggest blessings in disguise.

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